Please help Grey. He is about 4 years old, and is a leukemia positive cat that is in urgent need of a home. He's doing really well, even though he is positive. If he doesn't find a home soon, he is going to be put down. He's not going to be put to sleep because he is positive; rather he is being put down because he is no longer wanted. His owner has to move, and the people where she is moving don't want Grey. He was originally rescued from the streets by his owner. He survived the city streets and he must have thought that he found his forever home when the lady took him in. Now he is facing the biggest battle of his life, because he has to find a home before his time runs out. It is a shame that he is going be put down because nobody will give him a home. He is loving and would be a great pal. He just needs a lot of attention and love. He will give you back love and attention. Since he is positive, he has to be placed in a home with another leukemia positive cat, or in a home by himself. If you are truly an animal lover, and you have a means to help Grey, please contact us ASAP. Grey will be put down very soon if a home is not found. True animal lovers will want to help this guy if they can. It's not fair that his life has to be over because he is unwanted. Contact us by going to our petfinder page at http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/PA166.html where you will see more information about Grey and our other animals, or email us at carephilly@gmail.com or careinc@live.com. Contact phone number is on the petfinder page. This plea for Grey's life is one of our biggest pleas. Please help us give this wonderful cat another chance to live.